Markdown to HTML Convertor

For users

The convertor currently supports

  • #, ##, ... -> <h1>, <h2>, ...
  • --- -> <hr>
  • Unordered/ordered list
  • ![](), <img> -> <img>
  • []() -> <a>
  • Plain text
  • Code blocks (``` ```)
  • Inline code blocks (``)

How to use (in Windows)

  1. Download and unzip from this page.
  2. Open markdown2html.exe and follow the instruction:
  3. Input Markdown file path: you need to enter the path to your markdown file. This path can be absolute or be relative to the path where the .exe locates. It is recommended to copy the markdown file into the folder where the exe is located so that you only need to type in the file name of the markdown file.
  4. Input output file path: this is the same as 3, but it specifies where you wish the output file is.
  5. Choose theme: enter a number.

Fun fact

My website is generated by this program.



Themes are now supported.

There are a total of 7 themes.

  • default
  • githubDark
  • githubLight
  • dark
  • light
  • darkCompact
  • lightCompact

For developers

Github Repo

How to compile

The project uses CMake as building tool.

Structure of the project


Core function convertTo(ofstream&)

Effect: convert a Markdown source to a HTML/Vue source into a given ofstream passed by reference.

lNum, lType are two stack used to deal with nested ordered/unordered list.

void MarkdownSource::convertTo(ofstream& outFile) {
    Type lType[100] = {Text};
    int lNum[100] = {0}, lSize = 0, index = -1;
    lNum[0] = -10;
    bool isInCodeBlocks = false;
    for (auto l : lines) {
        int i = 0, len = l.length();
        if (types[index] == CodeBlock) {
            if (l.substr(0, 3) == "```") {
                if (!isInCodeBlocks) {
                    outFile << "<pre>" << endl;
                } else {
                    outFile << "</pre>" << endl;
                isInCodeBlocks = !isInCodeBlocks;
            } else {
                outFile << l << endl;
        if (len == 0) {
            if (lSize == 0) {
                if (index > 0 && index < size - 1 && lines[index - 1].length() > 0 && lines[index + 1].length() > 0 && startWith(lines[index - 1], 0) == Text && startWith(lines[index + 1], 0) == Text) {
                    outFile << "<br>" << endl;
            } else {
                while (lSize > 0) {
                    outFile << "</li>" << endl
                            << ((lType[lSize] == Uli)
                                    ? "</ul>"
                                    : "</ol>")
                            << endl;

        Type theType = startWith(l, 0);

        if (theType == Hr) {
            outFile << "<hr>";

        if (theType == Title) {
            int spacePos = findChar(l, i, ' ', "");
            outFile << "<h" << spacePos << ">" << endl;
            processLine(l, spacePos + 1, outFile);
            outFile << "</h" << spacePos << ">" << endl;

        if (theType == Uli || theType == Oli) {
            string meStart = "<ul>", meEnd = "</ul>", youStart = "<ol>", youEnd = "</ol>";
            if (theType == Oli) {
                swap(meEnd, youEnd);
                swap(meStart, youStart);
            int indentCnt = (theType == Uli) ? findChar(l, i, '-', "") : findDigit(l, i);
            if (lType[lSize] == theType && lNum[lSize] == indentCnt) {
                outFile << "</li>" << endl;
            } else if (indentCnt - lNum[lSize] >= 2) {
                lNum[lSize] = indentCnt;
                lType[lSize] = theType;
                outFile << meStart << endl;
            } else {
                // not the same type of list or higher level
                while (lSize > 0 && ((lType[lSize] != theType && lNum[lSize] == indentCnt) || lNum[lSize] - indentCnt >= 2)) {
                        << "</li>" << endl
                        << (lType[lSize] == theType ? meEnd : youEnd) << endl;
                if (lSize > 0 && lType[lSize] == theType) {
                    // same level & same type
                    outFile << "</li>" << endl;
                } else {
                    // different level || different type
                    lNum[lSize] = indentCnt;
                    lType[lSize] = theType;
                    outFile << meStart << endl;
            outFile << "<li>" << endl;
            processLine(l, (theType == Uli) ? indentCnt + 2 : findChar(l, indentCnt, '.', "") + 2, outFile);
        processLine(l, 0, outFile);
