About Me

Date: Sat 03 August 2024
Updated: Sat 03 August 2024

In 6. Misc.

  • 🔭 I am Zijun(Mark) Yang, an undergraduate majoring in CS at UMich and ECE at UM-SJTU Joint Institute.
  • 👨‍💻 I'm currently working on RISC-V XuanTie Linux System Platform at DAMO Academy Alibaba Inc.
  • 🛠️ Budget dev boards are my playground, with the Orange Pi Zero 3 and LicheeRV Nano being my favorites!
  • To humans, I speak Mandarin and English; to silicon, I speak (modern) C++ (for 10+ years), C, C#, Python (Django and Streamlit framework), MATLAB, JavaScript, HTML, CSS and Vue framework. (Credit to fkfd.me for coming up with this sentence structure.)
  • ⚡ This is my website in which you can find a short list of my projects.

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